A great venue for a beach wedding.

Beach Wedding Location
Give your wedding event the seclusion of a private beach. The perfect environment for a great beach wedding and the lawn at the water’s edge is perfect for setting up your marquee.
Please get in touch so we can start discussing your plans.
Important Information
- A limited amount of 5 weddings a year
- A maximum of 120 guests
- The cottage and it grounds are rented to you for at least 3 days or longer if
you want to stay in the cottage either before or after the three days. This
enable the erection and removal of marquee and fixtures - The wedding event is for one day with music finishing at the latest by
11.00 pm - Marquee to be erected 1 day before the event and dismantled the day
after the event - Property to be left in the same condition as prior to the event
- Shuttle bus arrangement used for guests with no more than 10 vehicles
able to park on the property - Porta-loos, Marquee and catering are provided by yourself
- There is electricity and water available on site
- The beach can be accessed by truck to enable the marque, chairs, other
equipment and food to be delivered on site - The cost for three days is $975 a night for cottage and hire of the
grounds/beach with access to power a total of $2,850 - The hire of the cottage prior to and/or after the three days as above is
$240 a night for a couple and $40 a night for extras - 50% payment as a non-refundable deposit required, with final 50% due 1 month prior to event
- Hire company names and contacts can be provided on request
Wedding Enquiry

Greg & Marian Innes
Landline : (+64) 09 436 5626
Mobile : (+064) 027 495 3382
Email: guest@paruabaycottage.nz
Parua Bay Cottage,
56 Parua Cemetery Road,
Parua Bay, Whangarei 0174
New Zealand